Torso | Jiří Kolář 1 | Torso | Jiří Kolář2 | Torso | Jiří Kolář
3 | Torso | Jiří Kolář4 | Torso | Jiří Kolář5 | Torso | Jiří Kolář6 | Torso | Jiří Kolář

Jiří Kolář | Torso | 1990 | Collage | 29 x 20 cm | Modern art | price: EUR 2 384

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The variable collage by Jiří Kolář originates from the late 1980s and was acquired directly from the artist. The cut-through torso can be inserted with various backgrounds formed by natural motifs or works by famous artists like Breughel and Mondrian. In the oeuvre of Kolář, this item of a constantly transforming image is totally unique. The work has its front and back sides while the backgrounds can be freely inserted between the two.


< backJiří Kolář | *1914-2002, Protivin