Modernist Coffee Table | 1930 - 1940
Modernist Coffee Table | 1930 - 1940  Modernist Coffee Table with Mücke & Melder armchairs | 1930 - 1940  dernist Coffee Table | Detail | Metal, glassModernist Coffee Table | Chrome tube

Thonet | Modernist Coffee Table | 1930 - 1940 | Chrome tube | Functionalism | Modernism | Furniture, Furniture | Table | Antiques | price: EUR 358

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The rounded conference table rests on four pipe legs joined by a circular footrest. The top board, made of black glass, is set into a metal ring. The table represents a product of one of Czech companies specializing in the tube-bent furniture, i.e. Mücke & Melder, Gottwald, Vichr, or Slezak. Especially in the part of legs, the chrome displays some signs of corrosion caused by the effect of time. It, however, was not re-chromed for the sake of preserving the authentic character of the piece.


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