Pavel Kopřiva is one of the most famous artists originating from the region of North Bohemia who moreover presently lectures art at the University of J. E. Purkyně in the North-Bohemian city of Ústí nad Labem. He found strong bonds with Conceptualism and found himself mainly focusing on installations characteristic of an apparent social context. Kopřiva’s work bespeaks of his worries reflecting various problems of contemporary civilization, linked with the subject of power. Some of his objects, however, touch upon absolutely intimate fields of life and bespeak of human vulnerability. Kopřiva’s most famed achievements are mirroring objects installed on metal-plated, silvered glass with titanium whose convex shape deforms the space or which are installed into interiors as some kind of extraterrestrial drops. His works are part of many collections both in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Pavel Kopřiva
* 1968, Duchcov, Czech Republic