sausage tray | porcelain | fast food | czech design  

Good Water & Tray Golden edition | Qubus Design studio | 2007 | Porcelain | 17 x 230 x 140 cm | Applied Art | Porcelain, Accessories - interior, Design | signed | Design | price: EUR 177 incl. VAT

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This set is comprised of a sausage plate and a cut-off plastic water bottle. In this piece, the artist Maxim Velčovský contemplates the present fast-food era, when most people feel no need to use fine-quality tableware, content with using plastic and paper cups and plates. This luxury version is coated with 24-carat gold and can be the ideal solution for any nouveau-riche who ostentatiously shows off his wealth, while still enjoying the taste of grilled sausage washed down with a soft drink. The number of the desired material is limited. Please verify the availability of the original item before ordering.


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