Empire Style Table Clock
Empire Style Table ClockEmpire Style Table Clock | Central EuropeTable Clock | 19th centuryEmpire Style Table Clock | 19th century

Empire Style Table Clock | around 1825 | Wood | 53 x 15 x 31 cm | Empire | Clock | Antiques

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The clock rests on an oblong gradating base. It is made of brown-dipped wood decorated with cast brass appliqués. The case which stands on four lion paws is arched on the bottom and it culminates with a segment shield. The convex glass door cover white enameled clock dial with Arabian ciphers in whose center is another small dial displaying the date. The brass between the two dials is decorated with giloshing. The mechanism is of the anchor type with quarter chime and it is visible through the back door as well as the small windows on the two sides. The clock underwent a complete restoration, some parts were added. The clock is fully functional, on which a one-year guarantee is provided.


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