Sculpture of Putto Sculpture of Putto
Sculpture of Putto | CeramicArt Deco | Ceramic | 1925Goldsheider Vien | CeramicArt Deco | Sculpture of Putto

Sculpture of Putto | Goldscheider (Vereinigte Ateliers für Kunst und Keramik) | around 1925 | Ceramic | 34 x 13 x 15 cm | Art Deco | Ceramics, Sculpture | manufacturer's trademark | Antiques

Word Verification

The brown prism-shaped base bears a figure of a naked brown-haired putto whose head is slightly bent to the back. The putto is wearing a blue, florally structured drapery that hangs over his left shoulder while he lifts it to his side with his right hand. The sculpture of glazed ceramics is a product of Goldsheider Vien and it originates from the 1930s. The putto cannot deny an inspiration by the Wiener Werkstatte products, especially the putti designed by Michael Powolny.


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