Lady with a Child | Porcelain Lady with a Child | PorcelainLady with a Child | Porcelain | GermanyLady with a Child | Porcelain | Germany | Biedermeier

Lady with a Child | 19th cent. | Porcelain | 22 x 15 x 12 cm | Biedermeier | Porcelain, Sculpture | manufacturer's mark | Antiques | price: EUR 656

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The oval plinth in the Neo-Classicist style, scatted with flowers, bears a figure of a lady seated in an arm chair. She is clad in a rich gown, wears a bonnet on her head and her left foot rests on a pad. Little and equally richly clad child sits on her lap and the lady holds it with her left hand. The figure is lavishly painted with over-enamel colors and gold. Both the gowns and the shape of the plinth would suggest that it can be dated to the early 19th century, but the figure was more probably produced in the porcelain factory in the German city of Passau in the last third of the 19th century.


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