Petr Lysáček in Brno Petr Lysáček (1961) is from Ostrava who, as a strongly conceptually oriented artist, profiled his oeuvre in the MXM gallery during the 1990s. His work – whether his objects, paintings, installations or ready-mades – doubts both forms and contents and faces the reality with skepticism and irony. The exhibition project prepared for the G99 Gallery and entitled, nonsensically, “prdhobrdha”, not only turns to a ritualized Buddhism which represents a highly popular religion in the Western world, but is mainly a general summary and record of perceiving icons. This time, their selection (which is otherwise very substantial for the artist) is rather accidental – the exhibition presents the public (and commonly shared) icons along with the private ones. The artist situates them next to each other in an intuitive, noncontinuous and illogically arranged chain. He wants to offer icons with a positive background for he finds it very important. He, however, also includes an unknown anarchist and numerous personalities from various fields of social life. Essential here are accidents as well as the openness that offer various solutions. The exhibition title suggests that the artist have not lost his enigmatic sense of banal humor and is not afraid to employ it. Petr Lysáček / prdhobrdha Installations, Paintings, Photographs House of Arts of the City of Brno, Gallery G99 2 December 2008 – 11 January 2009