The Retrospective of Petr Kvicala - Waves | Brno - Wannieck Gallery, Czech Republic | 18/04 - 07/09/08
The Retrospective of Petr Kvíčala The first retrospective of the leading contemporary Brno painter, Petr Kvíčala, held in the Wannieck Gallery in Brno, will be accessible during the whole of summer. The artist, who remained faithful to geometry for his entire life, presents works from many of his cycles under the symptomatic title “Waves”. The individual series on display will allow viewers to understand the development of the artist’s approach to the – initially very simple – ornament. In the case of Kvíčala, this is, in the abstract, a painting game with the basic color range: red, blue, white and yellow. The painter always follows a certain assignment and rules and searches new assignments and rules as soon as he finds the previous to be exhausted. He, however, does not work either with accident or any kind of speculative theory. His methods are similarly endless as any other or any otherwise selected combination of shapes and colors The very simple principle and persistence cannot result in failure. Yet another apparent feature of the retrospective is the chronology of Kvíčala’s ornamental models and the creative developing on them, as well as their varied optical impressiveness. Petr Kvíčala, “Waves” Wannieck Gallery, Brno Curator: Tomáš Pospiszyl 18 April – 7 September 2008